Biz Bytes

Ep 11. Digital Transformation. Buzzword or Reality?

Season 1 Episode 12

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While it's possible for any company to transform, the adoption of new technology doesn't constitute digital transformation.

And it's not a big bang deliverable.

Nor is it something that you can copy from other organisations - each transformation journey is personal. 

Transformation is a series of iterative change that a business undertakes in order to shift their model.

And it has nothing to do with technology - that is only the enabler, not the outcome. 

Transformation is a goal, not a deliverable. 

Afterall, you don't make a butterfly by sticking wings on a caterpillar.

So how do you deliver successful transformation?

  • Where should the CIO sit during change?
  • How do you communicate to different audiences
  • And how do you know you're done?

In today's episode, I talk with Owen McCall about digital transformation

About Owen

While a qualified accountant Owen has worked with and in technology for all of his career.  He is a passionate believer in the power of technology to not only fundamentally transform how we live, work, and play but also to deliver tremendous value to organisations.  With that in mind, the premise of all of Owen's work is that organisations should only invest in technology because they believe it will make their business better. This however is easier said than done. Through his work Owen continually witnesses organisations struggling to deliver value from their IT investments.  Wondering why this is, Owen has dedicated high career to understanding this phenomenon and supporting organisations to improve the value they receive from their IT investments.  
Owen is  the author of High-Performance IT, a collection of short stories and unique IP that provides insights into IT leadership and delivering on the promise of technology.  A qualified accountant, Owen was a partner in Deloitte Consulting  for over 5 years and led Deloitte’s Australasian outsourcing business before returning to New Zealand to take up the position of CIO of The Warehouse Group.  He's  regular blogger and contributor to CIO and iStart publications, event speaker and judge of industry awards including CIO 100 and the NZ Hi Tech Awards.