Biz Bytes

Ep 5. Privacy in a Digital World

Season 1 Episode 5

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Privacy enables us to create boundaries and protect ourselves from unwarranted interference in our lives, allowing us to negotiate who we are and how we want to interact with the world around us.

The right to privacy is a fundamental human right articulated in all of the major international and regional human rights instruments

But what does that mean?

What should companies be doing to ensure personal privacy?

And what do the changing regulations, include the NZ Privacy act, actualy mean?

About the guest
My guest today is Emma Pond, Director of Simply Privacy

Emma has worked as a privacy professional for over  years, both in the public and private sector - including time at the Offce of the Privacy Commissioner. Emma is now a director of Simply Privacy Ltd, which provides pragmatic, sensible and useful advice and training to help organisations get privacy right.

A former lawyer, Emma is also a trained mediator, an International Association of Privacy Professionals Knowledge Net Chair, and obviously, a big privacy nerd.

Visit for more information

Note: In this episode we reference the changes to the Privacy act as coming in on November 1. This has now been confirmed as December 1, 2020